Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Beginning

My parents, the inspiration in my life, once told me, “Do something you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I knew I loved a lot of things but was not exactly sure, at the time, what was meant by this. Now I understand.

I graduated from Arizona State University in May 2009 with a degree in Business Communications and a Certificate in International Business and wondered, “now what?” My parents’ advice came back to mind: do something you love…

I applied to the Peace Corps in May 2009, interviewed with them in June and was nominated for a program that starts in June 2010 in the South or Central America Region: Business Advising. Volunteers in this area work in a variety of settings, assisting both private and public businesses, local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, women’s and youth groups, and educational institutions. I remember thinking, “Why June 2010? It is still so far away!”

In order to receive an official invitation from the Peace Corps, you need to be medically cleared. They sent me the packet in July 2009 and that is where it all began. After seven dentist visits (four wisdom teeth taken out & fillings done), an eye exam, two visits to the lab to get blood drawn, and seven visits to my physician—I was ready to send everything in, in January! Then I understood why June.

It is now February 2010 and I am anxious to hear from them. They e-mailed me and said to expect an update in four to six weeks. I am grateful for this process because I gained an amazing gift that has been improving little by little: Patience. What a virtue it is to have!

I will keep you updated as soon as I hear from them :) !


  1. This is a really GREAT thing your doing... There needs to be more people like you in this world... Keep up the GREAT work i know your going to do great things... -Fernando-

  2. I can't wait for you to begin on this journey. I hope you keep us all posted.

  3. I'm so proud of you, Looch ... I honestly don't think it's something I'd be able to do -- and not many people can -- so congratulations on having such a brave, caring, giving and selfless heart. I love you.

  4. ANA!!! AMAZING posts!!! hilarious about the luggage... you'll be happy you did ;) 2 years is a long time! Your words of WHY you are doing this are beautiful. Te sale todo del corazon... estoy supppeerrrrrrr orgullosa de ti y te tengo en mis oraciones. keep em' coming!! love you!!
